Podcast host and coach Jeff Brown discusses how podcasting is revolutionizing content marketing and explains why the medium is perfectly suited for businesses looking to grow their audience.
Six years after starting his own podcast, Read to Lead podcaster Jeff Brown knows intimately the benefits of content marketing – and he strongly believes in the power of the podcast.
“I have seen too many good things come out of doing a podcast for six years now not to continue doing a podcast,” Brown said. “I’ve seen companies start them, I’ve seen individuals start them to great success.”
In this episode of Brandcasting, veteran podcaster Brown shares how podcasts can successfully build up your brand and why branded podcasts are the future of content marketing.
Widening your reach
When you start a podcast, you’re opening your business up to a whole new range of people. Even if the number of people who listen to your podcast doesn’t dazzle you at first, Brown says reaching a small audience is still important growth.
“Don’t be discouraged if, when you start a podcast, the listenership is not what you hoped it would be,” said Brown. “Realize that even 50 or 20 or 60 people listening to the show in the early going each and every week is a big deal. And you can certainly grow it from there.”
What’s vital is you’re growing your potential by making yourself available on more streaming sites. By placing content on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts and Spotify, you’re a step ahead of businesses without an audio presence.
“Going forward, think about all these other places you could be interacting with your customers that you’re not currently interacting with them, because you’re not doing a podcast.”
As the market for podcasters grows and more opportunities for audio-only content presents itself, Brown believes podcasting to be the future of content marketing.
“If this is a place you’re not currently publishing content, you need to really dig deep and ask, ‘Why is that? Why are you not doing that?’”
Investing in your audience
Producing a podcast doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, Brown says you can’t expect any returns on your podcast if you’re not consistently creating content.
“It’s not something you can just dip your toe in the water of,” said Brown. “If you’re gonna do something like a podcast, it needs to be something that you do consistently and for a while – because that’s when you’re going to begin to see the benefits of it.”
Brown says the best way to establish this consistency is to pick a day and stick to it. That way, you can build up a loyal following who have a clear notion on when to expect your content.
“Even though it’s content they can listen to at any time, if that day of the week comes and you’re not there, they’re going to let you know about it,” said Brown.
Earning their attention
Today’s businesses are faced with the challenge of cutting through the noise to catch and keep their audience’s attention. But, Brown says podcasts have a leg up on other content when it comes to earning that attention.
“No one would argue that it’s harder than it has ever been to garner people’s attention,” said Brown. “And the beautiful thing about audio on-demand, podcasting, is people can engage with your podcasting without everything having to stop.”
Podcasts have the power to meet people amid their routine. Whether it’s at the gym or in the car or on a walk, people have the ability to give you their attention without completely giving up their time.
Listeners are also more likely to engage with your content on a deeper level through a podcast – making them invaluable to content marketing.
“People will listen to most, if not all of that content when it’s delivered via audio on-demand, whereas in other formats, you have so much less of their time,” Brown explained.
“They’re going to spend more time with you on average if it’s delivered via a podcast.”
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